Got Metal? 3 Handy Tips For Recycling Household Items That Contain Metal

More than 50 billion aluminum cans are recycled in the United States alone each year. In fact, aluminum soda, beer and beverage cans are recycled more often than any other type of beverage container. So if you want to start recycling your household metal items, aluminum cans are a great place to start. However, there are a myriad of other metal items, such as aluminum foil, that you may not think about recycling.

4 Things You Can Do With Old Tires

If you have old tires lying around your property, you may not know what to do with them. You can recycle them at your local plant so they can be turned into something new and useful, but there are other ways you can benefit from the old rubber as well. Discover 4 cool things you can do with old tires around your property that you can benefit from every day.

4 Things To Do Before You Start Your Home Renovation

If you are planning on adding on a room or taking down a wall, there are some things you need to first. Home renovations require a lot of careful planning right up until the first day contractors arrive. Don't forget to do the following four things before renovation begins. Obtain The Right Permits Start by making sure you have the permits for your renovations. While you may not need them, you should still check with your local building and permits office to find out for sure.

The Importance Of Saving Aluminum Soda Cans For Recycling

Are you always throwing out aluminum cans because your household consumes a lot of soda? You are actually causing harm to the environment by throwing the can away, as it contributes to global warming. Below, discover why saving aluminum soda cans so they can be recycled is better than placing them in the garbage bin. What Makes it Ideal to Save Aluminum Soda Cans for Recycling? The most important reason for saving aluminum soda cans for recycling is to prevent them from contributing to pollution from greenhouse gases in the environment.

3 Tips For Easier Recycling In The Workplace

If your business is looking for a way to go green, one easy way you can do that is to start recycling. 75% of waste we create is recyclable, but we only recycle around 30%. We can create less trash by just taking a few extra steps to ensure that we are recycling everything that we can. Here are some things you can to make things easier for your employees to recycle.